Aging and Taking Supplements - My Thoughts on Basis by Elysium HealtH
Basis by Elysium Health
I regularly blog on another site of mine, called Integrative Holistic. One of the things I love to write about is book reviews. For example, my most recent post is a review of Lifespan by David Sinclair. Go and read all about my thoughts on how this book views aging, and definitely pick up a copy of Lifespan if you can - it’s scientific view on the often mystified subject of aging really impressed me.
Aging is important. Often, men are expected to age gracefully, turning gradually into the much-admired “silver fox” - and we aren’t meant to admit how much our aging physical appearance can affect our self-esteem. We are told that we shouldn’t care about aging, but it is the one thing that unites everyone on the planet. So guess what? I’m going to talk to you about aging, and something that can really help fight against the tides of time.
There are a bunch of creams, oils, and supplements out there, promising everything from healthier guts to tightening wrinkles. But let’s be honest - a lot of them are snake oil. These products prey upon our insecurities, the ones we aren’t meant to talk about and have little to no basis in science. But there are a few out there that have a genuine foundation in reality, and one of those is Basis by Elysium Health.
Let me be upfront - I’m not sponsored by this company. I don’t get a discount for talking to them. I don’t get anything out of this post other than chatting to you guys about how much I love the product. It’s just that great.
Basis by Elysium Health is a clinically-proven NAD+ supplement that supports energy, sleep, and cell function. For those of you who are interested in the science behind Basis, NAD+ is a molecule that is intrinsically linked to aging. It plays an important role in turning nutrients into energy (metabolism) and acts as a helper molecule for proteins that regulate biological activity. Various studies have linked it to aging and brain function. Crucially, NAD+ levels tend to decline with age.
Basis isn’t perfect - these pills aren’t the Elixir of Life or the Philosopher’s Stone. However, they have been clinically-proven to increase the levels of NAD+ when taken. A double-blind, randomized, placebo-controlled clinical trial demonstrated that Basis can increase NAD+ levels by an average of 40 percent.
You should have a look at how Basis could fit into your health and fitness regime. I’m not going to tell you that you should definitely take Basis - everyone is different. But I will say that I highly recommend it. It is a safe, clinically-proven way of increasing NAD+, which naturally declines as we age, so what have you got to lose by trying it?
Taking supplements isn’t something to be whispered about in hushed tones. Let’s be proud of how we are aging. Let’s start to look at it as a reality, rather than a secret, and develop a strategy that views aging head-on, embraces it, and controls it as much as we can. In a way, how we deal with aging reminds me of that classic phrase - “Grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference.”